Ever since Laurel and Hardy visited Ulverston towards the end of their careers, there is knowledge of a film created by the comedy duo that was never published. If found this film could be worth millions, as it would be the only film never to be released by the pair. Can you follow the clues around Ulverston to locate the film?
In the year 1947, Stan Laurel returned to his hometown of Ulverston; receiving a hero’s welcome. Showing his partner; Oliver Hardy, around the town they were greeted with large crowds, fanfare and great celebration. The reason for their visit was not just to tour the area, but to use the wonderful local scenery to create a brand new film. Sadly, although the film was made; it was never released. Laurel kept hold of the film, and not wanting it to get into the wrong hands hid it somewhere around Ulverston.
You set to work following the footsteps of the duo on their tour, on documents you have researched over the years. Can you find the film? And if you do...do you keep it? Or sell it for millions? The choice would be yours.
Once at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston, LA12 7LZ, continue on with your quest.